The gospel of the grace of GodIn speaking with unbelievers, atheist and other folks of various religions, I find many believe they have rejected the gospel, when in fact they have never really heard the true gospel. Paul spoke in Galatians 1 that there is not another gospel but those who would pervert the true gospel. He defined the true gospel as the gospel of the grace of God. The word gospel means good news. News is something that "has" happened and I declare that good news to you. Because its past tense in that it has already occurred, you can hear it and be persuaded that it’s true, and believe. However, note that your unbelief has no affect on the truth but it does affect your access to its benefits. For instance, if I purchased tickets to a concert you wanted to attend and told you that you could just go pick the tickets up at the will call desk; but you said, I don't believe it. And furthermore, I'm not getting in my car to drive over there because I just don't believe someone would buy me tickets just out of the goodness of their heart. Do you realize that the "truth" that the tickets are at the will call desk just waiting for you would not matter, because your unbelief gives you no access to the benefit of those tickets despite the fact, they are yours for free should you want them. Then, let’s say the next day I come over and bring you dinner. I also find that you’re not feeling well and I run some errands and I pray for you and I pick up groceries for you... and you start to be persuaded and BELIEVE and say, Hey this guy is being good to me not based on something I've done, but just because he’s good. So much so that you begin to be persuaded and believe that I did purchase you those tickets to the concert. This is called repentance and faith. The gospel is the good news of God's divine ability (grace) to save you from what was killing you. Please notice that it is not, your ability, your works, your efforts and good intentions but only by His divine ability and influence that you are saved. Man has always asked the question, what’s my part? Rom 5:2 says we have access by faith into this grace. Remember in the ticket example that even though it already was true you had no access before you were persuaded and believed. Our misunderstanding of the faith that the bible is speaking of has caused us to make faith something it is not, a work. It’s as if we think that God is charging us admission to His grace and making us pay with proper faith, strong enough faith etc. Then there are others who use the phrase; "blind faith" believing faith is a shot in the dark. Bible faith is not speaking of blind faith or a leap of faith but rather the word faith is defined as "be persuaded." When we look deeper into this word persuasion, further into the Greek definition (the language in which the New Testament was written) it says that this persuasion comes from God and cannot be something conjured up by us. You don't persuade yourself! So how does it happen? God made man in His image and His likeness; however, man adopted another wisdom (the serpents wisdom) that found its identity in the flesh (this is called sin). The same God and Father who made us in His likeness and image, came in our likeness (Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh, which was not the likeness that God made man in/Rom 8:3) to put to death the false image man had believed unto and raise him up a new man to the image that God determined from the beginning. Jesus; the Word of God was made flesh. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, the same was in the beginning with God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:1-2 Jesus was the word of God made flesh on the earth. He was the Faith that came to persuade our hearts of who He (The Father) really is and He died that false image away and then was raised up in the image of who you (and all mankind) really was by seating Him (Jesus) at the right hand of the Father. Showing us for all time what God's view and opinion of man is. This is the truth about man; this is the truth about you. This is the gospel. God has removed every obstacle; God has removed every hindrance for you having an intimate relationship with Him in Christ. The gospel has always been about God's determined purpose in Christ. Which was for you to be holy and without blame before Him in love (Eph 1:4). He has accomplished this, NOT YOU! There is only one place to look, to see and be persuaded of this truth and that is Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father. This is the place that He has prepared for you. There is a reason it is called the gospel of Jesus Christ, that is because there is no place else you can look to be persuaded of the truth. No where! If any man wants to bring a verse that contradicts this message they must come through Jesus. Who was the exact expression of His person, and who came to declare the Father. Jesus -- Who was the Word of God made flesh on the earth. The same word that was there when the worlds were framed. Jesus -- Who is The Faith (the persuasion of the Fathers heart made flesh in Jesus) Jesus -- The last Adam and representative of ALL man; who died, was buried and was raised up and seated at the right hand of the Father, signifying forever what God's view and opinion of man is. Jesus -- The advocate --- which means He is the ONE who provides the evidence. His testimony is true. Jesus -- The Amen; The only word of certainty. Jesus said He was THE true and faithful witness.