Jesus Finished Work 

God's Brilliant Solution
by John Fazio

Apart from love, no one could ever lay down their life for another, fear could never animate someone to do that.

The root of all fear is the fear of death. This fear will only ever produce self-preservation. Incidentally, sin by definition is self-preservation. And we know that the only certainty of a life that never perishes is the life that comes from God (the only immortal) who promised eternal life to man, from the beginning.

And seeing as that is the only life that is eternal, self-preservation would only mean the certainty that a man would perish. Which is the very thing that God has never wanted.

And so having been created by God as beings who function by the persuasion of the heart, God in His brilliance (I speak as a man), Himself, became the author of eternal salvation as a man, Christ Jesus, the Lord.

Jesus, being fully persuaded by His Father's love and promise to never allow Him to see corruption or leave Him in the grave, He gave no thought to preserving His own life but He laid down His life for all. And as we already said, fear could never motivate such a thing.

Two very important things I want to stop and say here, believing that Jesus died for your "bad behavior", whether committed in the past, the present, the future or confessed, has no power (that is ZERO POWER) to destroy the fear of death. Nor could believing that Jesus was raised as a spirit and not in a human body do that.

He did not die for your bad behavior, He died to conquer your death and He did it not as a spirit but as a man, in the flesh that bled out and gave up the ghost and died. But came out of the grave in three days, (not leaving behind His body but leaving behind an empty tomb), The Father raised Him in a flesh and bone body that could never die again.

So that those who allow their hearts to be persuaded, seeing their own face in the face of Jesus may appear in history in the likeness of His resurrection. So, anyone who comes with a word that you cannot see in the faith presented in Jesus, it can in no way be the truth that is only found in Him.

This is the only word that destroys the fear of death, hence it is the only word that destroys sin.



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